
Evolution Chain
Base Flavor
Red and blue Basculin get along so poorly, they’ll start fighting instantly. These Pokémon are very hostile.
Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other’s school.
Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other’s school.
Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other’s school.
Savage, violent Pokémon, red and blue Basculin are always fighting each other over territory.
When a school of Basculin appears in a lake, everything else disappears, except for Corphish and Crawdaunt. That’s how violent Basculin are.
Anglers love the fight this Pokémon puts up on the hook. And there are always more to catch— many people release them into lakes illicitly.
In the past, it often appeared on the dinner table. The meat of red-striped Basculin is on the fatty side, and it’s more popular with the youth.
Though it differs from other Basculin in several respects, including demeanor—this one is gentle—I have categorized it as a regional form given the vast array of shared qualities.
Base Stats
This Pokémon's Speed rises one stage with each hit from a damaging dark-, ghost-, or bug-type move.
This Pokémon inflicts twice as much damage with moves whose types match its own, rather than the usual same-type attack bonus of 1.5×.
This Pokémon's moves completely ignore abilities that could hinder or prevent their effect on the target. For example, this Pokémon's moves ignore abilities that would fully negate them, such as water absorb; abilities that would prevent any of their effects, such as clear body, shell armor, or sticky hold; and abilities that grant any general protective benefit, such as simple, snow cloak, or thick fat. If an ability could either hinder or help this Pokémon's moves, e.g. dry skin or unaware, the ability is ignored either way. Abilities that do not fit this description, even if they could hinder moves in some other way, are not affected. For example, cursed body only affects potential future uses of the move, while liquid ooze and shadow tag can only hinder a move's effect on the user. This ablity cannot ignore type or form changes granted by abilities, for example color change or forecast; nor effects that were caused by abilities but are no longer tied to an ability, such as the rain from drizzle. This ability cannot ignore multitype at all. An ability ignored by this ability is only nullified while the move is being used. For example, this Pokémon's moves can paralyze a Pokémon with limber, but Limber will activate and heal the paralysis immediately thereafter, and this Pokémon's spikes are not affected by this ability after they have been placed. When this Pokémon enters battle, all participating trainers are notified that it has this ability. This ability functions identically to teravolt and turboblaze.
Name | Type | Cat. | Power | Acc. | PP |
headbutt | normal | 💥🤛 | 70 | 100% | 15 |
tackle | normal | 💥🤛 | 40 | 100% | 35 |
take down | normal | 💥🤛 | 90 | 85% | 20 |
thrash | normal | 💥🤛 | 120 | 100% | 10 |
double edge | normal | 💥🤛 | 120 | 100% | 15 |
tail whip | normal | 🔰 | - | 100% | 30 |
bite | dark | 💥🤛 | 60 | 100% | 25 |
water gun | water | 🌀 | 40 | 100% | 25 |
hydro pump | water | 🌀 | 110 | 80% | 5 |
surf | water | 🌀 | 90 | 100% | 15 |
ice beam | ice | 🌀 | 90 | 100% | 10 |
blizzard | ice | 🌀 | 110 | 70% | 5 |
agility | psychic | 🔰 | - | - | 30 |
waterfall | water | 💥🤛 | 80 | 100% | 15 |
swift | normal | 🌀 | 60 | - | 20 |
rest | psychic | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
substitute | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
flail | normal | 💥🤛 | - | 100% | 15 |
protect | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
scary face | normal | 🔰 | - | 100% | 10 |
icy wind | ice | 🌀 | 55 | 95% | 15 |
endure | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
sleep talk | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
rain dance | water | 🔰 | - | - | 5 |
crunch | dark | 💥🤛 | 80 | 100% | 15 |
uproar | normal | 🌀 | 90 | 100% | 10 |
facade | normal | 💥🤛 | 70 | 100% | 20 |
endeavor | normal | 💥🤛 | - | 100% | 5 |
mud shot | ground | 🌀 | 55 | 95% | 15 |
water pulse | water | 🌀 | 60 | 100% | 20 |
ice fang | ice | 💥🤛 | 65 | 95% | 15 |
zen headbutt | psychic | 💥🤛 | 80 | 90% | 15 |
aqua jet | water | 💥🤛 | 40 | 100% | 20 |
head smash | rock | 💥🤛 | 150 | 80% | 5 |
soak | water | 🔰 | - | 100% | 20 |
psychic fangs | psychic | 💥🤛 | 85 | 100% | 10 |
liquidation | water | 💥🤛 | 85 | 100% | 10 |
wave crash | water | 💥🤛 | 120 | 100% | 10 |
tera blast | normal | 🌀 | 80 | 100% | 10 |
last respects | ghost | 💥🤛 | 50 | 100% | 10 |
snowscape | ice | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
chilling water | water | 🌀 | 50 | 100% | 20 |