
Base Flavor
After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives.
The way its two tail fins flutter while it swims has earned it the nickname “BEAUTIFLY of the Sea.”
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
Swimming and fluttering its two tail fins, it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the patterns on its tail fins softly shine.
Swimming and fluttering its two tail fins, it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the patterns on its tail fins softly shine.
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives.
The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night.
After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives.
It absorbs sunlight with the pink areas of its skin, which then shine. This appears to be a form of camouflage.
Its double tail fins propel its energetic jumps. When it breaks the surface of the sea, Wingull swoop down to grab it on the fly.
When night falls, their pink patterns begin to shine. They’re popular with divers, so there are resorts that feed them to keep them close.
It lures in prey with its shining tail fins. It stays near the surface during the day and moves to the depths when night falls.
What a gorgeous sight this Pokémon is as it swims with its long, pink-painted caudal fins fluttering behind it. Finneon's beautiful appearance has led to its nickname: ”finery fish.”
Base Stats
This Pokémon's Speed is doubled during rain. This bonus does not count as a stat modifier.
All other Pokémon's single-target water-type moves are redirected to this Pokémon, if it is an eligible target. Other Pokémon's Water moves raise this Pokémon's Special Attack one stage, negating any other effect on it, and cannot miss it. If the move's intended target also has this ability, the move is not redirected. When multiple Pokémon with this ability are possible targets for redirection, the move is redirected to the one with the highest Speed stat, or, in the case of a tie, to a random tied Pokémon. follow me takes precedence over this ability.
This Pokémon cannot be burned. If a Pokémon is burned and acquires this ability, its burn is healed; this includes when regaining a lost ability upon leaving battle.
Name | Type | Cat. | Power | Acc. | PP |
pound | normal | 💥🤛 | 40 | 100% | 35 |
gust | flying | 🌀 | 40 | 100% | 35 |
take down | normal | 💥🤛 | 90 | 85% | 20 |
water gun | water | 🌀 | 40 | 100% | 25 |
hydro pump | water | 🌀 | 110 | 80% | 5 |
surf | water | 🌀 | 90 | 100% | 15 |
ice beam | ice | 🌀 | 90 | 100% | 10 |
blizzard | ice | 🌀 | 110 | 70% | 5 |
psybeam | psychic | 🌀 | 65 | 100% | 20 |
aurora beam | ice | 🌀 | 65 | 100% | 20 |
toxic | poison | 🔰 | - | 90% | 10 |
agility | psychic | 🔰 | - | - | 30 |
double team | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 15 |
confuse ray | ghost | 🔰 | - | 100% | 10 |
waterfall | water | 💥🤛 | 80 | 100% | 15 |
swift | normal | 🌀 | 60 | - | 20 |
flash | normal | 🔰 | - | 100% | 20 |
splash | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 40 |
rest | psychic | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
substitute | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
thief | dark | 💥🤛 | 60 | 100% | 25 |
snore | normal | 🌀 | 50 | 100% | 15 |
flail | normal | 💥🤛 | - | 100% | 15 |
protect | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
sweet kiss | fairy | 🔰 | - | 75% | 10 |
icy wind | ice | 🌀 | 55 | 95% | 15 |
endure | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
charm | fairy | 🔰 | - | 100% | 20 |
swagger | normal | 🔰 | - | 85% | 15 |
attract | normal | 🔰 | - | 100% | 15 |
sleep talk | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
return | normal | 💥🤛 | - | 100% | 20 |
frustration | normal | 💥🤛 | - | 100% | 20 |
safeguard | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 25 |
hidden power | normal | 🌀 | 60 | 100% | 15 |
twister | dragon | 🌀 | 40 | 100% | 20 |
rain dance | water | 🔰 | - | - | 5 |
psych up | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
whirlpool | water | 🌀 | 35 | 85% | 15 |
hail | ice | 🔰 | - | - | 10 |
facade | normal | 💥🤛 | 70 | 100% | 20 |
nature power | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 20 |
helping hand | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 20 |
secret power | normal | 💥🤛 | 70 | 100% | 20 |
dive | water | 💥🤛 | 80 | 100% | 10 |
air cutter | flying | 🌀 | 60 | 95% | 25 |
silver wind | bug | 🌀 | 60 | 100% | 5 |
tickle | normal | 🔰 | - | 100% | 20 |
signal beam | bug | 🌀 | 75 | 100% | 15 |
bounce | flying | 💥🤛 | 85 | 85% | 5 |
water pulse | water | 🌀 | 60 | 100% | 20 |
brine | water | 🌀 | 65 | 100% | 10 |
natural gift | normal | 💥🤛 | - | 100% | 15 |
tailwind | flying | 🔰 | - | - | 15 |
u turn | bug | 💥🤛 | 70 | 100% | 20 |
payback | dark | 💥🤛 | 50 | 100% | 10 |
aqua ring | water | 🔰 | - | - | 20 |
aqua tail | water | 💥🤛 | 90 | 90% | 10 |
defog | flying | 🔰 | - | - | 15 |
captivate | normal | 🔰 | - | 100% | 20 |
ominous wind | ghost | 🌀 | 60 | 100% | 5 |
soak | water | 🔰 | - | 100% | 20 |
round | normal | 🌀 | 60 | 100% | 15 |
scald | water | 🌀 | 80 | 100% | 15 |
acrobatics | flying | 💥🤛 | 55 | 100% | 15 |
confide | normal | 🔰 | - | - | 20 |
dazzling gleam | fairy | 🌀 | 80 | 100% | 10 |
tera blast | normal | 🌀 | 80 | 100% | 10 |
pound | normal | 💥🤛 | 40 | 100% | 35 |
chilling water | water | 🌀 | 50 | 100% | 20 |